Heart Mirror | A set of 50 high-quality images tailored to those from a Chinese background (see image in sidebar). Together with the provided questions, these images can help you enter into and explore the lives around you by conjuring up associations and opening avenues for meaningful discussion. Packaged as a deck of cards, it is a fun and engaging way to get to know your friends better and begin to enter into their spiritual journey. Order here. And for tips on how to use Heart Mirror, check out the training video for Soularium (the English counterpart to Heart Mirror).
Honor-Restored | In honor-shame cultures the main existential problem is shame: this is where the need for the gospel is most keenly felt, and where the good news of the gospel is experienced as truly good news. While many gospel tracts focus on a person’s guilt before a righteous God, this one centers on our shame before a holy God. You can find Honor-Restored in the GodTools App. It also has Chinese version. You can also use the Wechat version.