Chinese Pragmatism: What Difference Does It Make?

In the last post, I discussed Chinese pragmatism, and how that affects the way that Chinese students approach religion. In short, it seems that, as a general trend, Chinese students seem rather less concerned about whether Christianity is true, and rather more...

Chinese Pragmatism: 10% Belief and 90% Choice?

Foreign Policy has a fascinating article on why many Chinese students who come to America to study become Christians. It weaves together several interesting anecdotes with an analysis of some of the factors that contribute to the phenomenon. The whole thing is...

On Peaches and Coconuts

Interesting post over at From the West Courtyard. The author uses fruit (peaches and coconuts, to be specific) as metaphor for the differing views of relationships that Chinese and Americans typically have.   In China, overlap in relationships is diffuse. In...