Family. Country. Home

Mid-autumn day, some call it the Moon festival, is an important holiday for many people with Chinese cultural backgrounds. It is on August 15th in the Lunar calendar every year. On this day the moon is most round and complete, which is a symbol of hope that the family...

Chinese Food is More Than Food

Editor’s note: As your Chinese friends come back from their holiday at home, you might hear that a lot what they did there was eating all the delicious food with family and friends. You might wonder why or think “Okay, that’s interesting!” This article explores what...

It Looks A Lot Like Christmas

Editor’s Note: Christmas is almost here! But what might be a Chinese international student’s experience with Christmas? While in China, my first memory of Christmas was writing cards to all my classmates in primary school. At that time I did not know the true...

Christmas: What’s the Reason For This Season?

Editor’s Note: Christmas is almost here! But what does the Christmas season really mean to a Chinese international student? Christmas in China Sometime in the last month, perhaps you traced your finger down a candy cane’s stripes and savored its sweet,...

On Hospitality – [An Awkward Thanksgiving?]

Editor’s Note: This post is the third of four in a series on hospitality. In this post, we will discuss the incredibly opportunity that the Thanksgiving season offers us to love and serve Chinese students. We will also hear from a former Chinese student as she...